There’s a story behind this, maybe two.

I don’t talk on the phone much and Peter hardly uses his phone when he’s home, so I haven’t put two and two together until recently. Anyway, it has come to our attention that Rocky “reacts” when we’re on the phone. I’m not sure whether he likes it or hates it, but he sure reacts. After I’ve talked for just a minute, Rocky comes over to me and, if I am sitting on a chair, he jumps on me. Naturally, I turn my face away so he can’t get at the phone and so he attacks the back of my head. If I stand up to get away from him, he comes after me and jumps on my back, biting me in the leg or the bum. Then I’m on the run and the last time, I shut myself in the bathroom to get away from him. Today, Peter called on his way home and suddenly, I am being attacked by said dog. I finally get up and make a break for the back door, with him snapping at my bum the whole time. I open the door and he runs out and I cleverly outwit a puppy by shutting the door with me on the inside!
When I finish my conversation, I call Rocky to “come”. Of course, he looks at me but doesn’t move. I call “come” several more times and nothing. So I shut the door (it’s cold out there again!) and walk to the front of the house where his food is kept. Now he “comes”, up the steps to peer in the glass at me. He claims that he doesn’t know what “come” means but if I make a move toward to food bucket, he comes running. After I took the photo, I let him in and gave him a single kibble as I called “come!”.