January 5, 2007

I got Rockwell's quarterly update today! Of course, after I read it I felt both proud and anxious. I am worried about his lack of confidence. I wonder if it came from being bounced around a little in his early days (he was eleven weeks when we got him). I worry that I gave him a complex. Sometimes. :) I feel like a parent, in other words. Here it is:
"Rockwell has recently had a change of handler and is being allowed time to adapt. He is fairly well settled in kennels, though at times can be boisterous and vocal in seeking attention. He is eating well and is in good condition.
Rockwell is always keen and eager for his training walks, and travels well in the training van. He is adapting to his new handler fairly quickly, though his leash behaviour can, at times, be quite erratic, mainly due to him being easily distracted, particularly with dogs and noises and also because of his level of anxiety and low confidence.
A calm, consistent approach is being adopted, and encouraging him to relax and listen to the handler. We are slowly seeing improvements in his overall behaviour, but much more is needed.
Rockwell has been introduced to wearing the harness and is learning some of the basics of Guide work such as stopping at all down kerbs and avoiding obstacles. He is also learning directional and control commands.
We look forward to continuing with Rockwell and we are hopeful of more improvements. Thank you for all your hard work with him during the Puppy Walking phase of his life."
Well, as I said - both proud and anxious at the same time. I hope they will give him all the time he needs. I know he is smart enough. Maybe like Endal on Dogs with Jobs he just needs to find the right master and his confidence will appear.

Hi there
Allen and Endal here! I recently read a book which had an appropriate quote in it. "if our lives were a tapestry..then the dogs in our lives are rivers of golden threads running through it" I am sure Rockwell will shine so bright in the life of his new partner
warmest regards
Allen and Endal
Allen and Endal, I can't begin to tell you how PLEASED I am that you have commented on my blog. I have watched that "Dogs with Jobs" episode at least 5 times - every time it was on in repeats and every chance I got. I loved the way that Endal seemed to suddenly understand that his life had meaning because he was helping you. And I loved how you were portrayed as suddenly having a better life because of Endal. Every time I tell anyone about that tv show, I tell them about the best episode ever, which was your story.
And now, out of the blue, you have told me that you and Endal are still going strong and that Endal even has a blog! You never know, after you see something on tv, what the participants are doing afterwards. And with dogs, I always fret that their too short lives may have ended before I ever knew, because I don't know when the show was filmed and I don't know what might have happened thereafter.
Anyway, I am going to repeat much of this in the next "Puppywalking" blog entry and you may suddenly get more traffic on your blog because I know there are some readers of my blog who may not know yours. I wish you both well.
Good Morning
Thank you for your kind words. Endal has been giving me a quality of life, for the last decade, that I thought once lost to me for ever.
He still is and working at his best.
Since the Dogs with Jobs filming Endal has gone on to do some amazing things, including saving my life. He has just had his eleventh birthday in December(it is on the same day as mine..strangly not sure if the cake is for me or him) he still acts like a seven month old..my wife Sandra says that is just the man in him (typical)
I truly admire what you are doing by being a puppy parent. Endal did not ever go in for any formal training, his only experience was was his first year being puppy walked. It really proves what you guys do is probably the most important bit of any assistance dog's learning. I am sure that it is only because Endal's puppy walker Judith gave him so much love in those early days that he was then able to give me so much love.
Anyway enough chin wagging from me
, this link though a bit old tells a bit about his "lordship"
Allen and Endal
The link pasted below
Allen and Endal:
I am Julia's sister and feel qualified, because I know how much the experience with Rockwell and this blog has meant to Julia, to say thank you for taking the time to send her your comments.
he sure is cute....confidence or not..i am sure that will come....
Hi Norah and Julia
what a team great team you both make. Honestly though,,, it is really is a pleasure to be able to add our little bit to your blogg.
Every day my wife Sandra reminds me to look over my shoulder and remember all those that have enabled this partnership to be what it is...without Endal's puppy parent I'd not be here today!
For the last couple of years we have attended the International association of assistance dog partners conference (held in the USA) and when one is surrounded by a sea of guide, hearing and service dogs it brings in to focus how much is put into each partnership,. Be it through the sheer effort and sacrifice of the fund raisers, volunteers or puppy parent families..we partners are for ever indebted to those special group of people.
I can't wait to hear more about Rockwells progress and I am sure he will made you one very proud mummy and Aunty
lots of Luv
Allen and Endal
Thanks for the update on Rockwell! I'm sure with time he'll become more confident and less distracted.
I'm an old (as in 1980s Laura Ashely old) friend of Norah's, and finally decided to see if I could track her down on the web.
Norah, if you're out there, drop me a line at pamela.grimaud@gmail.com
It would be lovely to hear from you,
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