Later on the 8th:
We consider today a real success. We all piled in the car and drove out to CGDB to see the vet for 2:15pm. Peter had taken the afternoon off for the “volunteer day” he is allowed from work. When we got to Guide Dogs and went inside the kennels, we discovered “Valdy”, a 10 year old black Lab retired guide dog, who was waiting for a check up. He is also waiting for a new home. He was in remarkably good shape for a 10 year old, although he did have the white muzzle, and he was practically boisterous with Rocky. He must know he is retired!
When our turn came with the vet, Rocky was his usual charming self. First of all, he weighed in at 44 pounds! Later when he was up on the examining table, he allowed the vet to look at his belly with a minimum of fuss. The vet’s assistant (in the red shirt in the photo) was obviously taken by Rocky as well. We now have antibiotics and I am sure we will see a nice difference in Rocky’s rash and scratching.

On the way home, we decided to stop at Mark’s Work Wearhouse to look at jackets for Peter. He was a little apprehensive about taking Rocky into a store but I had a feeling. Peter went in to see what was what while I made sure Rocky had a pee before I put his jacket on. Once his jacket was on and I shortened the leash to that divided conformation that is like a harness, Rocky transformed.
We walked into the store and he sat when I asked him, so I could get my bearings. Then we walked so nicely to the back of the store where the men’s jackets are. We encountered a couple of people who cooed over Rocky from a distance but I merely had to ask him to “leave” and he didn’t lunge at them or anything. When we found Peter, Rocky was happy to see him but I asked Rocky to sit and he did, just like a gentleman. Peter tried on all kinds of jackets and Rocky sat like he was supposed to. At one point he lay down on the floor and licked at some dirt there but since he was quiet, I let him. Finally, we left the store and he walked out just like a big dog. I was very pleased with him and I will take some of the credit!
Congratulations Rocky! What a successful outing. Sam says I was on my best behaviour today as well. :)
I hope your itches will go away soon! Vets are fun people to visit, aren't they? Last time I went I got to look at a bird in a cage.
Yay!!! Glad to hear Rocky is doing so well for you. It sounds like you had a great afternoon out together.
And the bathroom story from earlier - that's hillarious! Willow and Stella like the bathroom too, but I don't ever remember either of them shutting themselves in there. Willow, who follows me everywhere, always curls up and naps on the bath mat while I'm in the shower or brushing my teeth, while Stella is fascinated by the bathtub. She loves jumping in and out of it over and over and over... :-)
Calvin, my first dog Uma also loved to go to the vet. I have heard of dogs who were afraid to go to the vet but not my two! I'm glad you like going too.
Laura, so funny about Stella and the bathtub! Rocky’s usually still in his crate when I’m in the shower but this morning he was out and while I was in the tub, I could see his little black nose sniffing along the edge of the tub on the other side of the shower curtain. So cute. I wondered if he might actually jump in with me and thank goodness he didn’t. I wasn’t really prepared to have to deal with a wet dog at that point!
44 pounds, you're a big boy Rocky!
Hope your rash goes away pronto - they can be so annoying!
And good on you and your human for such impeccable behaviour at the store.
Yes FurKids, the vet is happy with Rocky's weight gain. As you can see from pictures, he is not getting fat, just bigger like a baby should. And after only one day of treatment, I think the rash is starting to abate! I know it is too fast, but it sure looks like some of the spots are dulling down. I am hopeful Rocky will feel 100% better in only a few days.
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