Puppy walking

An adventure in looking after a puppy until it is old enough to be properly trained as a guide dog for the blind.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

A couple of little snippets for now:
Peter caught Rocky in action, doing ‘the lunge’ out at CGDB. He does this manoeuver whenever he sees people or dogs anywhere. It makes control a little difficult! I am hoping he matures out of it.
The lunge
And I gave Rocky Uma’s old King Kong because we had “lost” the medium sized Kong a few days ago (we found it under the couch). It is really too large for him but he seems to love hauling it around and it makes a satisfying thump when he drops it down the stairs.
With the King Kong


At 11:56 a.m., November 11, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love all the pictures Julia - despite your considerable descriptive talents, "the lunge" is something that would be hard to contemplate without the visual aid.

Rocky & the KingKong is too cute for words.

At 8:40 a.m., November 12, 2005, Blogger JuliaR said...

EllenAlice! Welcome to comments! I blush at your praise for my descriptive talents, thanks. Let’s hope I can transmute that into some cash.
Good luck on the run-up to Christmas exams!

At 10:12 a.m., November 12, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Had my first "practice" exam last Wednesday and it was like nothing I had ever done before - but since it doesn't count, I'm not too anxious about it (or at least trying not to be).

In the meantime, I really love coming here and reading about your adventures with Rocky. The prose is great and the stories are funny. Stop blushing! You write well, and I hope you find a way to make $ off your writing too.

At 2:59 p.m., November 15, 2005, Blogger The Dog Blog said...

Kirby had that problem to.arrrg! "the lunge" is so annoying!
P.s. most pups don't grow out of things like that - more working around other and meeting other dogs helps.

At 4:21 p.m., November 15, 2005, Blogger JuliaR said...

DogBlog, I only mention maturity or “growing out of” the lunge because I think you need both time and training for any improvement. I find that Rocky is still too young to make some connections, between a command and the desired result. And I agree that working around others and in busy environments is going to help a lot. When Rocky meets just one person on a walk, he lunges. When he is overwhelmed with people at the shopping centre, he settles right down. He’ll make the connection in his own time.


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