It’s March! Does this count as “in like a lamb” because it’s not snowing or blowing? Or is it a lion because it’s FREEZING out there? I mean, with the windchill it feels like minus 25C (or -13F). Sure, it’s sunny but who cares? Still, I know I have to walk Rockwell but I don’t have to put on a second pair of pants for the long walk like I did yesterday.
Yesterday, I had to go over to the college and I thought it was too cold to take Rockwell. He may enjoy frisking around in the cold for a while but I worried that he might start to feel the ill effects of the cold halfway through the walk and then what was I going to do. So I put him in his crate for the short time I was out and when I came back and went to let him out, I noticed the mat inside the crate seemed to be piled up. He was actually resting his head on it like a pillow. After I let him out, I inspected it and it looked to be folded up! I had to take a picture of it because it looked so odd. Too bad I hadn’t taken the picture before I let him out but I didn’t think of it and anyway, I don’t like to leave him in there after I get home.

How did he do that anyway?
Then this morning, I noticed him sitting on the stairs, looking UP at something. I followed his gaze and realized he was admiring the stripes of sun on the bit of wall over his head. It’s not a brilliant picture but I had the back of my head flat against the wall behind me, trying to get him in the frame. I tried to get him to look back up at the stripes of light but he wouldn’t oblige. I also turned the flash off to see what it would look like. Photos are rarely as good as what you experience in real life.

Now we know Rockwell is smart indeed! I can imagine him folding the mat carefully with his paws then letting out a soft sigh before laying his head on it. :D
Loving the second pic too. Really adore his gaze there.
And thanks for the advice regarding the Flickr. We've been using the free version for some time now and wasn't content with the pics posted either being too small, or too large. Being able to click it was helpful, but the old method was clickable too. But now we've thought of a way around it by resizing the pics manually so they're just the right size. We just hope they don't end up too pixalated.
Thanks again and cyber hugs to Rockwell!
they know when the camera is on them as well!
Rockwell is amazing!
Nice little imagining there, FurKids! Good luck with the pix.
MFax, he really does know when we are taking pictures.
Hank, I guess "amazing" could be one way to describe him. :)
Rockwell you always amaze me !
Sam I Am, I guess "amazing" is one way to put it!
Grrateful for sharing this
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