Things have been pretty quiet in a way lately. We had my parents over for the weekend, along with my sister and her husband -- and we didn't take a single photograph! I can't believe it. So for your amusement here are a few pix of Rockwell taken recently by Peter.

Even though Rockwell is over a year old, he still loves to chase his tail.

Here, he has started to spiral up the stairs while hanging onto the end of his tail.

I like this action shot, as Rockwell is about to launch himself off that step and onto the photographer.

In this series, Rockwell and I were jockeying for position.

I'm listening to instructions from the photographer, as to where to place my feet. Rockwell is listening but not to instructions.

I've got him squashed in an ankle vise grip and he's twisting himself to get away. His skin is still loose and wrinkles up in nice big folds when you play like this. It also looks like he's missing a front leg but it's just behind my right leg.
you sure are cute....and a little sure are having alot of fun
Thanks MJ! Welcome to my blog. Rockwell sure can be goofy when he's just hanging at home.
Ah, the loose Lab skin often comes in handy. Wonderful stuff, and so elastic. Sometimes it's grand to be Lab.
Don't you love how us Labs just expect you humans to walk around us ! We always have prime position :-)
Lookin Good Rockwell!
Ah Hank, you know it with the loose skin - it might even have saved you from worse injury that one time, eh?
Opy, not only prime in-the-way position but also the best spot with which to view as much of the house as possible. In Rockwell's case, that's on the landing of the stairs.
Thanks Charlie! Not difficult for a Lab, even if he is a cross. Those Goldens are pretty good lookin' too.
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