I try to watch all the working dogs shows on television. There is a Canadian series called "Dogs with Jobs" and there are shows on PBS and elsewhere. I learned that for dogs who do search and rescue, an important thing for them to be able to learn is to place their feet deliberately. I have seen dogs being trained to do this by walking on horizontal ladders and not letting their feet (or themselves) fall through. Apparently, knowing where each of its four feet are is not a natural thing for dogs. I write this to conclude that Rockwell may never get to do search and rescue, should he be unable to work as a guide dog. Every time we are sitting down and he wants to get close to us - which is to say, all the time - Rockwell steps on our two feet with every one of his four feet. He seems to have no idea that he is stepping on my bare toes with his callused and rough toes and claws and no matter how much I complain about it, he doesn't understand that he should try NOT to walk on my feet. And then of course, he gives me one of his sweet looks and I forgive all.

Speaking of working dogs, the Westminster Dog Show was replayed recently and even though Rockwell watched it when it first aired in February, he made sure to watch it again. It's too bad but a photograph simply does not show the intensity of how he watches other dogs on tv. We still think he thinks the tv is a magic window.

I laughed and laughed when I saw Rockwell watch Westminster. Too funny!!! Jerome was wondering if he saw a "buddy" on tv...I wonder...
Petey agrees with Rockwell- he thinks the tv is a magic window as well! everytime he sees a dog on tv, he thinks someone has come to play with him!
Boogalu watches TV on occasion, too. It's so funny! Pearl hasn't shown any interest yet, but that may change.
Charlie has walked on my mum's foot many a time - he always leaves a big bruise and she gets mad at him, for about 3 seconds :-) He is pretty heavy !
Carmen, we were trying to get a photo when the Labrador or the Golden came on the screen and missed, but we did get him watching the sporting group!
Nat, Petey sounds like a hopeful pup.
Sandy, not all dogs watch tv - my old Uma never bothered with it.
Opy, Rockwell weighs in at 70 pounds which is why I'm wincing when he steps on my toes!
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