Sad news - Peter's mother passed away on Tuesday and we had the funeral on Thursday. It's especially difficult because Peter's father also passed away a month ago, so the summer has been sad and uncertain. I think Rockwell and Peter have become closer because of Peter's raw feelings and somehow, Rockwell seems to know something is going on.

Last night we were sitting around and Rockwell was as close to the two of us as he could get. All our feets (as the Manolo would say) were together so I took this little group shot.

And Rockwell can't resist toes.

A little while later, I glanced down at Rockwell and he had both arms wrapped around Peter's leg. It looked even sweeter in real life but the photo gives a good approximation of what I saw.

Oh Julia,
These pictures are so beautiful! And to see Rockwell all wrapped up around Peter is just too sweet!
I'm so sorry to hear the news, Julia. You and Peter are in my thoughts and prayers today.
And I'm so glad you have Rockwell to bring that sweet comfort that only dogs seem to know how to provide. Wonderful pictures....
So sorry for your and Peter's loss. That last picture was just too adorable. My dog always knows when I'm feeling blue, too. They're so special that way. So unlike my two cats!
Carmen, it really is sweet to see how he is a little more solicitous of Peter now. Of course, as he is a puppy and needs to PLAY, that is not all the time!
Thanks Jenny, we appreciate it. To lose both his parents within 5 weeks was a bit much but he is handling it well.
Thans Katherine too, for your sympathy. I have heard there are special cats who act like dogs, but I haven't met any personally.
My condolences to you both. That's really rough losing both parents so close in time.
It's really sweet the way Rockwell displays his understanding. Cute pictures!
really sad news... My condolences.
Regards :)
Thanks Sandy and Jarapets. We're managing.
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