Photo today unrelated to the blog - except for thematically.

Taken out on the patio the other day. Rockwell had found a stone to chew and wanted to lie on my feet to chew it.
We had a house guest last night, an old friend of Peter's who raises and trains horses. He was at the Carp Fairgrounds for a big horse show and consequently smells strongly of horses (to the dog anyway). Rockwell greeted him like a long-lost brother and set to licking his shoes until it got annoying. We left the shoes at the front door and Rockwell proceeded to try to get on this poor fellow's lap and chew on his shirt too. Then, banished to the floor finally, he lay on this guy's feet the whole time. This morning when he was in the bathroom, Rockwell camped outside the door until he could see him again. We're just glad he was understanding about it, as he has two dogs of his own and really loves them and the horses. As far as Rockwell was concerned, it was an entirely successful visit. Now we just have to introduce him to horses and he'll be in heaven.
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