Today was the first truly warm day this year. Officially, it only went up to about 10C but in the sun, it was about 16C. We went out for a walk at about 2pm, wearing jean jackets! And running shoes, which of course, got wet. We used the balanced lead on Rockwell and it was partly that, partly the weather, and partly the fact that Peter was holding the leash, that made Rockwell behave SO well. We walked for over 45 minutes and passed several people and Rockwell wanted to jump on them to greet them but he didn’t. And he pulled a little here and there but that balanced lead works so well that he walked practically perfectly all the way.
Dad, next time you are here, I’m setting you up with the balanced lead. I haven’t used it before with you and Rockwell because it was winter and it is so easy to let the leash go on ice and with mittens (as I did one day) but you will be amazed when you first walk Rockwell with this leash configuration.
Then, we sat on the patio. Bliss in the sunshine. Peter had to put a new battery in the weather station he got for Christmas (thanks again Graham!) and today was the perfect day for it.

Rockwell stayed on the snow for most of the time, playing with rocks. He finally figured out that we weren’t going to grab him and make him go inside, so he ventured onto the warmer patio stones and chewed small stones. I told Peter we were going to rename him Demosthenes.

Peter decided to make him run around in the tiny space and got some fun shots of that too.

I know he’s blurry but man, he was in motion!

Three feet in the air!

And he was investigating all the mysterious sounds and smells.

Looks like Rockwell had lots and ltos of fun!!
Glad it warmed up over there, the same thing happened here in Toronto, except that instead of the snow there's mud :S haha
Nat and Petey
Hey Nat. Now it's back to cold again AND rain so I am glad we spent every minute we could outside on the weekend.
Oh, he's such a cutey! Enjoy him.
Hi Prof! I guess you haven't gone back to look at the "mad dog" photos we have. :) But he is especially cute when he is sleepy just before bedtime. Actually, it goes beyond cute and into adorable.
Your puppy is so cute. I hope the classes work out for him, it's too bad you didn't get a chance to bring him in to Wills/Estates. :(
Good Luck!
I know, sorry about it, Dani. Maybe the srike will end soon? I don't know if he is ready to sit still for an hour at a time in a classroom yet anyway.
Nice of you to visit the blog!
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