If March came in like a lion (which as I recall, it did), it is going out like a lamb. Today, they are calling for a high of 18C on the weather channel and 20C at Environment Canada’s web site! Of course, it’s supposed to rain all weekend but anyway.
Normally in the mornings, I stay snoozing while Peter gets going and leaves for work. This morning, I decided to get up too, mostly because I had felt what I thought was a spider on my face in the night and this morning, I felt a strand of web on my face and it freaked me out so I got up and had a shower. I went downstairs and as I feared, got in Peter’s way while he was trying to organize himself out of the door. Peter leaves and I’m standing at the open door, waving like a dutiful wife when Rockwell makes a break for it. He dashes down the driveway toward Peter, I yell and Peter turns around and nabs him. Crisis averted! Peter starts to bring him back to the house but Rockwell isn’t ready to go in just yet and he goes into the limp noodle posture that he learned to use to avoid being crated. I go out and take hold of his collar and Peter runs off for the bus. Rockwell goes all noodly again, lying on his back on the driveway with my hand around his collar. Now I’m laughing and partly out of relief that he didn’t get away. He gets up and I drag him a few steps and down he goes again. Finally, Peter glances back and calls his name and Rockwell jumps up and I am able to haul him back into the house.

For your viewing pleasure, Peter took this picture yesterday afternoon while I was teaching and after he had set up the patio furniture outside for the season. There’s another, similar one at Flickr if you’d like more.
lol Rockwell- Your "noodly" posture sounds like a fantastic trick, though I'm sure Julia isn't letting you read that :P
Sorry Julia,had to say it :) Just imagining Rockwell going "noodly" is hilarious!
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Justin Oberma
gorgeous photo! made my night!
"Noodly!" Awesome! Fortunately, Lomax rather relishes his crate, so I don't have much trouble getting him in there when I need to.
But when I was eight or ten years old, I had a friend whose gigantic Bassett Hound used to slip like a greased pig through her front door, leaving the two of us chasing Bridget down the street...until we finally caught up with her, only to have her lie down on the sidewalk, playing the role of the immovable object.
Please, PLEASE post a picture of Rockwell being noodly. =^)
Yes Nat, according to Rockwell anyway, noodling is a great way to avoid things.
SSDWinston, you’re welcome!
Jenny, great story about Bridget (great name for a Basset!). I don’t know if a still photo will be able to show the noodling because it is a moving picture kind of thing. But we’ll try next time. And Rockwell voluntarily goes into his crate whenever HE wants to. It’s just when I want him to that he resists. You grab him by the collar and he just goes limp and lies on the ground, usually on his back so you can’t get his legs up underneath him. If you wait until he puts his legs under him (to make another break for it) and then start hauling on the collar again, he goes limp. If it weren’t frustrating, it would be hilarious. So as it is, it’s funny at least.
I perfectly understand noodly. Boogalu does that at night, when you're trying to get him to move over. He flops over and becomes the immovable object. It's funny!
Thank you for this
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