The “adventure” we were going to have on Friday was put on hold because the puppy supervisor said I couldn’t take Rockwell on the bus for the first time without her being there. So we didn’t get to ride the bus downtown after all. sigh. Instead, we walked over to the local pub and had lunch there. Rockwell behaved well enough but didn’t want to settle. At one point, he barfed on the floor. I got some paper towels from the waiter and cleaned it up before anyone really noticed. It’s like having a small child, I suppose.

When we got home, we watched a movie and Rockwell decided he liked to lie on my mother’s feet.

On the morning of the 24th, we decided to add a few more ornaments to the tree. Rockwell supervised.

Mum chose a reindeer and Rockwell wondered if it might be good for lunch.

Later, we all piled in the car and headed for my sister’s for Christmas dinner.

Rockwell found that the safest place was out of the way, by the door. We wondered if he had to go pee but every time someone took him out, he didn’t pee, so we just figured by the door had become his spot. Plus he got to hang out with all the shoes and boots!

Once the turkey was ready, the party moved to the kitchen and Rockwell decided to join us. He may not be allowed to eat any turkey but he can enjoy how it smells, I think. He also decided the kitchen was a good place for a nice scratch.

Finally, we thought a group shot would be appropriate for the occasion. Rockwell didn’t really fit on the stairs with the people on the left but he found his own little place on the right.

He actually lay there, with his chin resting on the stair above his feet.

We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a very happy new year.
Merry Christmas Rockwell and Family. It sounds like you had some great Christmas adventures. We love the pictures on the stairs.
My dog Dallas was the champion of vomiting in public. The most memorable were on an escalator and in my lap during a plane ride. We became pros at the quick cleanup.
Sam and the boys
What a great Christmas time you had Rockwell. It's ok when you had the oopsie at the pub, I think we've all done something like that.
Also great family shot!
Hey Calvin, my dog Uma was also queen of the barf. We never did figure out what made her barf either. Rockwell had only barfed once before so it was a surprise this time too. But easy to clean up, really.
Storm, I like the term "oopsie" instead of barf. I may use it if I can start a new habit.
I liked the way Rockwell lurked on the stairs instead of worrying about getting into the crowded part.
Happy new year soon!
You look like you had an Wonderful Christmas,The picture of Rockwell in the car is wonderful.
looks like a good time, happy holidays!
Thanks Sam and MFax, we did have a lovely time. But everyone was under strict orders and poor Rockwell didn't get so much as a grape! All the attention he got more than made up for food, at least, that's what we people think.
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