Puppy walking

An adventure in looking after a puppy until it is old enough to be properly trained as a guide dog for the blind.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

More Lessons (for us):

Last night, we had two people over who Rockwell hadn't really met but they have two dogs of their own so they understand about dogs. We sat out on the patio for dinner and I left Rockwell in the house because you really need to focus all your attention on him when he is outside or on a leash and that kind of takes away from enjoyable conversation. At one point, Carmen went into the house by herself and when she came back out, she commented that Rockwell was such a good dog. He had tried to jump up on her but she asked him not to and then ignored him and he lay right down on the floor and stayed there. This was a contrast to when the two of us were in the house and then Rockwell wanted to play all the time and wouldn't listen to me.

A little later, Jerome went into the house alone and when he came out, he said the same thing! That is, that Rockwell seems better behaved when I'm not there. Jerome asked Rockwell to go back up the stairs and wait on the landing and so he went. And he didn't try to follow Jerome outside later. Peter wondered if we are doing something wrong in raising Rockwell but I opined that it was simply because Rockwell doesn't know these people very well and he was being a little cautious, a little circumspect. I thought (if I am right) that this was probably a very good thing. It shows he does have respect, that he does pay attention and that he should be successful when he goes off to school. We just get to see him at his most relaxed and carefree, even if it does make me crazy sometimes.


At 5:57 p.m., July 17, 2006, Blogger Katherine said...

I think you're right. His behavior sounds just like a child's acutally! Many little kids are a lot better behaved with adults other than their parents.

At 2:36 p.m., July 18, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure that's it, Julia! The minute he gets to know us better, it'll be party time!! Well, with me anyway...maybe he knows that Jerome can pick him up....oh oh!

At 4:47 p.m., July 18, 2006, Blogger JuliaR said...

Katherine. I think part of it is the fear of the unknown - the intimidation factor!

Carmen, yes he's not nearly as respectful of Graham now that he knows he is one of the extended pack. Well, I malign him unfairly (the dog - not Graham) - he is respectful, just overly boisterous!


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