This morning, I finally started another sewing project. Rockwell came up to keep me company and although he can see well enough over the edge of the window, he likes to stand up and put his little paws on the sill to get the best look he can. He is so sweet-natured that his interest in anything moving outside the window is pure curiosity. If he could greet the people and birds and squirrels, he would. I’m looking forward to the Spring when the window will be open and he will be able to hear everything that moves too.

For lunch, we went to Marshy’s to meet a group of "internet friends" (BoxTalkers, to those in the know). Peter was lucky to have the afternoon off from work so he joined us. Jean Brasseur took the photo of the three of us. I remembered my camera after I had left the house and I wasn’t willing to go back in, dragging Rockwell reluctantly with me (after all, we left the house for a reason!) and take my boots off and go get it. So... many thanks Jean, for the use of your photo.
You're welcome, Julia.
It was nice to meet Rocky. He has the makings of a great dog. It will take a lot of patience to get him to be his best.
Jean! This gives me a chance to thank you again. I was annoyed at myself that I forgot the camera so I was very pleased that you were able to supply us with a group shot. Even when we do have the camera, it's difficult to get all three of us in a shot.
I am hoping Rockwell will turn out to be a really good guide dog too. I think he has the makings but as you say, lots of patience will be required. I think by the Summer, a light bulb may go on in his little head and he will start to understand bigger concepts. In the meantime, he is just sweet.
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