When Rocky ran around the house with me chasing him and rucked up the carpet in the living room, he vanished after he knew I was out to get him. Last night, he did it with Peter and this time, he rolled over in submission after Peter went all alpha dog on him. Like I said before, why can’t I get to be the alpha dog?

Later, just before the bedtime walk, we played silly things and I held his ears out with my feet. Speaking of the walk, I think we have got it so Rocky sleeps through the night. It has been over a week and I think he has made it through the night each time. I say “I think” because I have been fighting a virus all this time and things are a little muzzy. Rocky gets fed only twice a day now (breakfast and dinner). And we have started to walk him at 9:30 or 10pm and walk him until he poops. Last night it took me two turns around the “block” and he was distracted several times but he finally managed a poop. So we are muchly pleased.
My goodness, such gorgeous pics!
I love the second one. It's like he's saying, "Na na na na na!"
Thanks for the smile.
Thanks! I think we've got the "mad dog" thing under control now and he really is so cute to play with. Your pups are wonderful too. My old Lab Uma passed away this summer but I have a few pics of her up on Flickr where Rocky's pics come from, if you want some handsome dog shots!
Sorry to hear about your Lab Uma. :(
We'd love to see Uma and more of Rocky. Could you direct us to the link?
How I wish bro and I were still pups. Bro is 16 now and I'm 4. Let's hope there's many more years left in us!
Take care!
Oops, never mind the link. Silly me, I just had to click the pics!
Uma is so adorable. I really wanted to hug Uma too, like you did in so many of the pics.
Thank you for sharing such wonderful pics.
Take care!
I'm glad you found the links. I have taken to posting pictures based in Flickr because I was having SUCH a hard time getting them to post with just Blogger.
I can't believe Mark is 16! Uma at 14 was VERY old and everything that could go wrong with her health, started to in fail in the last year. However, what extra work an old dog causes is returned a hundred-fold in sweetness.
Yes, bro Mark is indeed 16. We wish we could knock off 10 years, but that's sadly not possible.
Like you say, what extra work an old dog causes, is returned a hundred-fold in sweetness.
Wishing Rocky a happy, healthy and meaningful life.
Take care!
From Jessie to Rocky: Hi Buddy! I'm glad you enjoyed Halloween. I'm an old hand at that. Last night I gave Jack and Betty a real scare...isn't that what you are supposed to do? I hid in the backyard while they called and called, thinking I had followed some little kids. Then I ran and played around with my ball all around their legs while they told me I was not to do that. What dorks!
It was Halloween, after all. They only gave me dog biscuits. I wanted candy. You are really getting big. Soon you will be full grown and a lot bigger than I am. I'm watching!
Love, Jessie
Jessie! I didn't know you could type - or read for that matter. What a clever dog you are but really, should you call your masters names? Looking forward to more comments!
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