On Monday while I was out teaching, we had a brief but powerful thunder, lightening and rain storm. We lost power twice in the classroom but while it was on, for fun I tracked the blob on the radar on the computer terminal in the classroom. Peter was at home, alone with Rockwell when it hit. Lots of lightening and thunder, maybe more than Rockwell has ever seen during the day time. At one point, Peter turned around while he was in the kitchen making himself a sandwich and there was Rockwell, lying close by his feet. Peter chuffed him up and said, "let's go look at the storm" and so they did.

Once Peter showed him there was no reason to fear the storm, then Rockwell was fine about it too. The rain just came in torrents and lashed all the windows.

At the end, there was a huge lake in the parking area but it slowly drained.

Exciting weather aside, Rockwell's ear has reached the point where I will take him to see the vet at CGDB on Tuesday. Sheila said I was keeping the yeast at bay with the vinegar but it wasn't going away. On this note, may I recommend you go visit this wonderfully written vignette of dog ear cleaning? With pictures and everything. Thanks Gwiz!
Thanks Julia! I had to add a disclaimer to that post. Apparently a few people took me seriously. I do clean the puppy's ears.
Gwiz, I saw your added disclaimer and I wondered who had dumped on you. It IS amazing (and interesting in a way) how people will feel free to criticize just about any darned thing. Look at those "famous" bloggers like Dooce and Finslippy who complain about the trolls they get. Anyway, I thought your little "story" was brilliant and I think others will too.
ya, well...........you know how it is. It takes all kinds to make up this strange world of ours. Some have a sense of humour and some don't. *shrug
Looks like the storm in your part of the province was worse than what we had last night. Lyric handled the thunder and lightening like a pro, it didn't seem to bother her at all.
My poor dog Sampson is so scared of thunderstorms. Unfortunately he has never improved; it's like every storm is the first one. Lots of shaking and panting. I feel so bad for him. I'm glad Rockwell isn't frightened. I imagine that would be a problem for a guide dog if he was.
Katherine, I really don't know why some dogs are so afraid of thunder storms. I imagine it may be cues they pick up from their humans, only because dogs are such excellent readers of body language. That is why we went to some lengths to make sure our first guide dog puppy and now Rockwell were persuaded by us to NOT be afraid. We run excitedly to the window or door to look out and see the storm and they are excited because we are. Additionally, neither of us genuinely fear storms so I think that helps.
Gwiz, that's what my mother says - it takes all kinds. :)
Is it possible to clean the puppy's ears. with out cotton balls ,Love the pictures of Rockwell. is there a line ..I am next with the ear cleaning !!!
I don't know Sam - I do know someone in the comments uses makeup pads. But they are still a foreign object in the ear. It's the curse of the flop-earred dog!
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