Puppy walking

An adventure in looking after a puppy until it is old enough to be properly trained as a guide dog for the blind.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Rockwell got picked up this morning by the G.D. supervisor. He is going for his 36 hour assessment. He will be in kennels tonight with a pup of similar age and then back tomorrow afternoon. When Shona came to pick him up, he sat in his corner at the front door while we talked. When it was time to go, he didn’t even look back but bolted out the door for the car. She opened the back hatch for him to jump into the wire cage at the back of the station wagon and he got his front paws up but looked around for a boost to the back end. He’s not used to getting into the backs of cars.

I was saying to Peter, “what shall we do without the dog around?” and we couldn’t think of anything to do. I plan to vacuum the heck out of the place today, especially because my parents are coming for the weekend and Dad is allergic (way more than I am). But as I waved goodbye and Rockwell didn’t wave back, I thought, I am going to miss that little guy.


At 3:31 p.m., April 18, 2006, Blogger Hobbes Dogs said...

Best of luck to Rockwell at his assessment. We know he'll do fine.

And best of luck to you as well.

Sam, Calvin, and Patience

At 3:53 p.m., April 18, 2006, Blogger IndyPindy said...

Awww. I admire what you are doing. It must be incredibly difficult to raise a puppy knowing that you can't keep him.

Good luck to Rockwell!

At 4:43 p.m., April 18, 2006, Blogger JuliaR said...

Thanks Calvin and Indy! They did say I would get him back tomorrow, so it's not like it will be on the LAST day I have him. AhhROO! I was surprised that I felt I was going to miss him though - just for one day.

At 8:04 p.m., April 18, 2006, Blogger HanktheDog said...

Good luck, Rockwell. And best of luck on your cold problems, Juliar.

At 2:13 p.m., April 19, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, what did you get up to on your dogless day?

At 3:42 p.m., April 19, 2006, Blogger Unknown said...

[[sniffs]] My heart goes out to you.

If it means anything though, thank you from a partner who couldn't survive if someone wouldn't have raised her dog!!

You are appreciated.


At 3:50 p.m., April 19, 2006, Blogger JuliaR said...

Oh Muffy (I feel that I know you somehow), it was so lame as to be practically unmentionable. But here it is:

While I was waiting for the Guide Dogs to come get Rockwell yesterday, I made a new cover for my ironing board. Since he has been gone, I have Windexed all the upstairs windows, mostly on the inside but a few that I could get to on the outside too. Of course, as I go around the rooms, I find other things to clean too, like vacuuming the screens and dusting stuff. It's amazing how dirty the insides of the windows can get over the winter.

I finally took those nasty asparagus ferns that were indoor plants (and shed over everything) and put them outside at the front of the house where it is so shady that nothing grows. Then I discovered that I had stepped in dog shit on my morning walk with Rockwell so I turned on the water in the basement to the outdoor tap and hosed the shoes off. Since I was doing that, I hosed off the front steps and walkway.

In the meantime, I did two loads of laundry yesterday and today I have washed all his towels and the cover for his bed. I finished vacuuming the downstairs and when I biked to the store today, I bought the new Febreze anti-allergen spray stuff and while I don’t know if it works yet, it certainly feels like the place is fresh!

At 5:07 p.m., April 19, 2006, Blogger JuliaR said...

Hank and SDDWinston, thanks for the thoughts. My cold is gone and I am feeling much better, especially since the weather has turned beautiful and we can sit outside more. I know what I am doing here with Rockwell is a good thing and I don't mind the sacrifice, SDDWinston. While I did miss Rockwell while he was gone for a day, I know I will be happier in the end, to attend his graduation. But we still have all summer together.


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