My parental units are here for the weekend. My Mum has always loved to play with dogs but she rarely gets the chance. Here she takes advantage of a captive audience. Rockwell had his large Kong and Mum crept slowly up the stairs toward him. He knew she wanted to play and so he agreed by making the “play bow” toward her.

She continued to move slowly toward him and moved so slowly that he wasn’t sure what was eventually going to happen and stood up, so that he would be prepared for any eventuality.

Finally, he couldn’t stand the suspense any longer and bolted up the stairs. They repeated this action quite a few times before Mum got tired of it, long before Rockwell ever would.

Great pics! I love the play bow pose, very cute. who can resist an invitation like that to play?
Did anyone else notice the painting above Rockwell's head in the second photo? Hee hee....
Aww that's awesome- sounds like both your mom and Rockwell had a lot of fun!
Jenny-wow, i didn't even notice that! thanks for pointing it out :D
Nat and Petey
Katherine, not my mother, that's for sure. Rockwell just had to roll his eyes at my Dad and he was lured into the game too.
Jenny and Nat, the picture above Rockwell's head is a photograph of my Uma (who passed away in June 2005). It is mounted on canvas so it looks like a painting. My brilliant husband took that picture, as he does with all the really nice ones of Rockwell.
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